The first occurred in December 2006 during my final year of college. That winter bore a cold that froze everything; a cold that made morning wakeup routines take twice as long and made you ache for warmth the entire day even when you were inside a heated room. The Fall semester would normally consist of me waking up before 7:00 AM and driving in to downtown Richmond to attend my first 8:00 AM course at VCU. Once my day was done, I would end my day with a trip home between 9 and 10 PM. I was not working during the semester; my sole focus was on taking care of every last piece of schoolwork so that I could complete my degree. Those were some tiring days where I had no money and did little other than pound my way through tests and textbooks.
It was in the last week of classes that my car's engine died.
I previously owned a Ford Tempo. I bought it for $1500 at an auto auction and it worked for five years. It accelerated on its own and needed some body work done to it, but it was my car. To replace the engine would have cost more than the car was worth and I had nothing to afford the replacement with anyway.
For the next three years, when I was not taking the bus to work, I was walking. Everywhere.
The loss of that vehicle entirely shaped my time to come. I will not say these have been the worst three years of my life. Quite the contrary; being on my own and working for myself has led me to a freedom I did not previously have. But it was always a limited freedom. A freedom constantly defined by where I could get to. A freedom that all too often led me to spending time alone in my apartment, bored or gaming.
I want to take a moment here to thank the friends who still spent time with me during this period. Curt, Vince, Travis, and Chris: you guys were always willing to pick me up and bring me to the fun that was going on. My mom and dad helped me out a lot too, although they aren't on Facebook so my thanks don't mean as much here as they do in person. Nonetheless, there were times the people I know went an extra mile so I could be included in things. I really appreciate that.
Unfortunately, the sad truth remained: without my own transportation I faced constant obstacles between myself and what I wanted to do.
Last December, my dad approached me with an offer: contribute money towards the purchase of a truck he could use for transportation and I could make full-time use of his car. I was previously looking at buying my own vehicle at a far greater cost. This offer attracted me because it would allow me to save money and fill some of the needs I'd not met while I was putting every cent I had towards the potential car purchase.
Last Tuesday that agreement bore fruit. I have a car again.
All the old limits are gone.
I should know, as I've spent the past few days breaking them. The first full day with the car, I picked up dinner on the way home just because I could. On Friday, I went and hung out with Chris. It was my first Friday night out in ages.
Is there a silver lining to the experience? Oh, I think so. Not having a vehicle means I know just what it means to have one. What it means to be able to go and do what I choose, when and where I choose it. Now that I have a car, I know exactly what I'll be doing with it. I've made mental notes of everything I wanted to do but couldn't for lack of transportation.
I often identify myself with my zodiac sign: Taurus. Well, there's no cage holding back this bull any longer.
Before I close this post, I'd like to share a shot of the car. It's the best view in the world right now. I hope you enjoy it, but I know you won't enjoy it as much as I do. Because...
... you have to be in the driver's seat to fully appreciate it and that's where I'll be sitting.
Until next time.
I'm glad everything has worked out!